Friday, April 9, 2010

Ok, it's time us "regular" triathletes to shine

Don't get me wrong, I admire and adore all triathletes, especially those who train and compete in Ironman races.

This is my story, my life, and how I approach triathlons.

I began training during the summer of 2007, and participated in my first race in Glenview, IL, and then later in Niles, MI.

I do sprint distance triathlons, some are longer than others, but they are the best. They don't take nearly as long to complete, my "pit crew" appreciates that, I'm never bored, and I still rock.

I'm not fast, I hate speed work, my long workouts aren't all that long, but I am devoted and love my sport.

It's time to write about triathletes that aspire to master the short distance races and those who may never do a long distance race.

I'm no Ironman but I still tri.

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